Hi, I'm James, a full-Stack web developer.

As a new graduate, I am excited to get my feet wet putting together real-world applications. Whether for businesses or an employer I have the skills needed to get a project done.

While I have experience using a website builder or Content Management System such as WordPress (such as this site) for web design, I also have more experience creating a great site the old-fashioned way. I prefer using React, a JavaScript library that makes great web applications that run your site at a much faster speed rather than being bogged down by needless plugins. Though if a client or employer prefers I would be happy to create a site using their preferred technology.


What Can I Do


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While I know just a little more than the basics, I feel comfortable with anything HTML or CSS related.

JavaScript, React, Bootstrap

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Because the program I was enrolled in was so short the instructors tried to give us the basics of JavaScript before diving into the libraries. With React and bootstrap I feel confident in my frontend design and code. 

Node, PHP

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Node was one of my happiest moments in my program. It’s crazy how identical Nodejs and PHP (laravel) are in terms of syntax but Node came out as my overall favorite of all my classes. I still have a lot to learn but I hope Node is involved with my future.

RESTful APIs, Databases

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From code first or creating the DB first, I feel we had a pretty good introduction to databases and it’s still one of the parts of programming that makes me excited when I know I’ll be working with databases and user information.

React-Native, Kotlin

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Mobile development, while it may not be my strong suite right now, it has my heart. We have covered quite a bit of development with Kotlin (Android) but I am beginning the self taught road for react-native. I hope to find a career in Android development when I have more practice.

WordPress, Custom Plugins

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I have got my toes wet with WordPress through my internship and it is also a mandatory class for my program. I have got some experience creating my own custom plugin as well. I enjoy WordPress but nothing feels better than slamming code for hours and bringing the design to life through your own hard work.

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PO BOX 321
Nine Mile Falls, WA, 99026

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(509) 821-0635